sinochem energy issued corporate bonds of rmb 2 billion-9球体育

source:sinochem energy     author:sinochem energy     date:2020-02-27     

on february 27, sinochem energy completed its first issuance of corporate bonds, totaling rmb 2 billion, including 3-year corporate bonds of rmb 1.5 billion and 5-year corporate bonds of rmb 0.5 billion. this issuance harvested orders of nearly rmb 4 billion from 32 institutional investors, including the famous china merchants bank, e fund, and changjiang pension insurance co., ltd.



tel: 0086 -10 -59569575/9585 add: 9/f,central tower, chemsunny world trade center, 28 fuxingmennei street, beijing 100031, china 9球体育 copyright © 2019 sinochem energy