sinochem energy donated rmb 2.54 million to four hospitals in hubei-9球体育

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on february 2, the party committee and the trade union of sinochem energy jointly launched the activity “rescue for wuhan to fight the covid-19”, calling for the staff on donations to help front-line medical workers in winning this tough battle against the covid-19. the parties and trade union organizations at all levels responded actively and mobilized extensively after the activity was launched. a total of 10,274 employees of sinochem energy and 40 affiliated enterprises donated rmb 2,548,508.77 and sent in the name of sinochem energy co., ltd. on february 19 to four hospitals in areas severely affected by the covid-19 pandemic, including tongji hospital affiliated to tongji medical college of huazhong university of science and technology, union hospital affiliated to tongji medical college of huazhong university of science and technology, huanggang central hospital, and the central hospital of xiaogan.

tel: 0086 -10 -59569575/9585 add: 9/f,central tower, chemsunny world trade center, 28 fuxingmennei street, beijing 100031, china 9球体育 copyright © 2019 sinochem energy